Kerners heisse Koeche
Datum: 12.12.2017,
Erotische Verbindungen
Autor: byparodist
Gast schauen...- Autorin zahlreicher Kochbücher, in England mit einer eigenen Fernsehserie, eines ihrer Bücher hat auf Deutsch den verheißungsvollen TitelVerführung zum Kochen- Nigella Lawson!"(Applaus) Sass: „Nur zum Kochen?"(neuer Applaus, anfeuernde Pfiffe) Kerner: „Damit hat sie zumindest schon mal angefangen.(zu Lawson): Now, could you tell us what's happening here?" Lawson: „The recipe is called `Sausages and lentils'. Sausages and lentils is something my mother often cooked." Kerner: „Tradition, so to say." Lawson: „Actually, the way I do sausages and lentils is slightly different the way my mother did in the sense that I use these Italian sausages and Puy lentils or sometimes the ones from Italy, from Umbria. Lovely ones, wonderful blue-green slate colour. Let me just get some oil into this pan. So, what I need to do first, just bruise a bit of garlic and get the skin off. Now, garlic is cooked at just the right amount when you begin to feel or smell the aroma waft up. And now, sausages in. Look at these! All fat-pearled and plump. These ones are called Genovese, in other words they come from Genoa. And what this means is that they have basil and garlic and they are heady with both. The onion on for the lentils. And some salt, which will stop it from browning, 'cos these have to stay soft and melt with the lentils. And I'll do a bit of turning over... Ah, lovely. They're browned on all sides and what I want is to have a kind of lovely, rich, sticky gravy to eat with ...
this, which is very very easy to arrange, just a question of pouring in some wine...Hm, rather a wonderful alcoholic facial I'm getting here...and then diluting it a bit with some water, and you could use sherry and water, too, I wouldn't worry about it. So, lid on, heat down. Lentils. Can you see how beautiful those pebbly lentils, sort of oil-slicked bits of translucent onion all through...Now, let's give the lentils the same treatment as the sausages, just, in other words, cover with water generously. The lentils will absorb the water as they cook. Heat down, lid on and they should both cook in around 20 minutes. And that gives me time to do a little light clearing up and give myself a glass of wine." Sommelieuse: „Not exactly a glass."(zu den anderen): „Für dieses Getränk aromatisiere ich den Wein in meiner Scheide. Ein paar Minuten braucht er da drin schon, bei mir zumindest, bei anderen geht das vielleicht schneller oder langsamer, das kommt drauf an. Wenn er fertig ist, muß man ihn dann schnell servieren, damit er noch warm ist, das finde ich zumindest am aufregendsten." Lawson(hat sich auf ein ihr gereichtes Kissen niedergekniet, um bequem den geharzten Wein schlürfen zu können, in dessen Genuß sie geradezu versinkt.) Kerner: „Und welche Sorte Wein nimmt man da?" Sommelieuse: „Nun, das hängt, wie immer beim Wein, natürlich davon ab,wozuman ihn trinkt. Für Mrs. Lawson habe ich einen edlen, schweren Barrique ausgewählt, mit vollem Körper," -- Kerner(schaut Lawson an): ...